In a card page, to look for a record having a certain value in a field, user can use the Go To function.
For example, to look for customer resides in specific city or country in customer card Open the customer card.
Press on CTRL+G or click on the Go To function in the Ribbon Action Tab top open the Go To dialog box
In the “Where” field, click the drop-down arrow from the list and select City
In the “matches” field, type “London”. The search function is not case-sensitive and searches the whole field.
Use Go To Next or Go To Previous to browse through records.
Click “Close” to close the Go To dialog box.
Sorting function.
Navision allow users to arrange view of information in their preferred sequence. For example, in customer ledger entries, user may choose to order by one:
Entry number only
Customer number first, then by posting date
Document type first, then by document number
Document number first, then by customer number
In a List Page, sorting is normally located at the top of the List column (as part of the Filter Pane). Click on the drop-down list to select the list of sorting key to use.
Sorting function in Navision can also be found under the Application Menu -> Customize -> Customize This Page -> Arrange By
The sorting options are predefined, and user can only choose from the available predefined list.
Entering Date
Shortcut codes to enter number in NAV 2015:
User Input | Result |
w | Work date entered in the NAV program |
t | Today’s date (computer date) |
c | Closing date |
# | Number of the date in the current work month |
m | Monday of the workdate |
tue | Tuesday of the workdate |
we | Wednesday of the workdate |
th | Thursday of the workdate |
f | Friday of the workdate |
sa | Saturday of the workdate |
su | Sunday of the workdate |
Date format is s per that setup in the windows. Date can be enter with or without separator, eg: 06/03/13 ; 06.03.13 ; 060313. User can also enter the first 2 or 4 digits and system will interpret the rest from the work date. For example, the work date is 4 March 2013 if user enter 04 system will auto recognize as 04/03/13. If user enter 0403 system will interpret as 040313.
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